Brigit and the Dragon
Who would have thought I would live to see our friend John Storm’s spirit journey of Imbolc, 2002, manifested and embodied ON EARTH over fourteen years later!! During the recent September Celtic Shamanism workshop in New Brunswick, we followed the elements around Celtic Wheel. When we entered our collective home and sanctuary at Sophia’s Garden for the session from the South, we held space for the Sacred Flame that was relit in the name of Brigit, Earth Protector. The flame was surrounded by a container of water, for balancing out the elements. An invitation was made for us to be in touch with our passion for protecting the earth, which aligns with the spirit of the goddess Brigit and the memory of our ancient, indigenous knowing, as earth’s descendent inhabitants.
John had journeyed with us to the water’s Source in 2002 at EarthSea Shamanic Ecovillage; at that time we were concentrating on allowing some polluted water to return to its original purity by holding its original nature in communion with our inherent wholeness. The nature of the water, is as we are, of the Light. John shared in our circle that he had seen a shining woman who had a green dragon with her and we realized that the elemental dragon energy and Brigit as earth goddess were guarding the healing essence of water’s true nature. The vision took a pre-Celtic and Celtic form that her descendants could comprehend from their ancestral memory. John had merged with that essence of purity through his own deep caring for the planet. The water we that we held in our embrace to heal, was cleared, and that medicine story became part of our EarthSea history.
I had never given a workshop in New Brunswick, place of my birth and of my ancestors. The return to the land I made this time with my co-facilitator, Brenda, was on the spiral of converging intentions created by the group of spiritual warriors who formed this workshop’s circle. During the spontaneous ritual of the South direction of the wheel, I was to witness and support a manifestation of John’s spirit journey that tells me how much the collective consciousness of the kind of earth vision that he received has permeated the planet’s growing spiritual community, each intentional circle becoming a holon of the whole energy field.

Brenda and David
Brenda Spirit Whispers lit Brigit’s candle on our behalf, merging with the legacy, purity, and passion of Brigit. Becoming filled with the spirit of the Earth, she started to drum with all her heart. Brigit entered our space through her, activating the energy field with divine wisdom. David Laughing Light Dragon, catching the Celtic ” fire in the head”, was filled with his ancestral love of the earth and initiated a Dragon Dance. He joyfully invited in all our participants. Everyone jumped into the dance to become the body of the dragon. We were taken by the green fire of the collective heart to a transformational energy shift. The dream of the land at EarthSea became grounded as the dream of the earth, in New Brunswick. The embodiment of Brigit and the Dragon as Earth Protectors came to fruition through the collective wisdom and compassion of the whole circle, the directions of the wheel, guides, allies, ancestors, elements, and all the helping spirits of the human and non-human realms.
Our celebratory, creative ritual reached into the collective soul and heart, and empowered us to expand our power to walk our talk, live what we believe, and to be co-creators with heaven and earth. I thank all of those who answered the call of spirit to come to the circle, and will never forget seeing divine feminine and masculine joined in us to empower our continued commitment to listen to the earth and to live her dream through us.
Thank you to other others at ceremonies, other wisdom circles ignited during the September Full Moon and the surrounding days of ritual and gathering, making it possible to inhabit the earth respectfully and joyfully, together.
Nancy Dancing Light