We are a registered partnership with a long history of interest in art, natural building, the concepts of sustainable/intentional community, permaculture, shamanic practice, healing and pilgrimage. Much of our work involves helping individuals to reconnect to the earth through art, nature experiences and shamanic practice.

We seek to foster intense, holistic, sustainable community, help people with their personal healing and growth, teach traditional and contemporary medicine ways, and create strong ancestral, earth and elemental reconnections.

We also: teach courses in Celtic Shamanism, lead Traditional, Rainbow/Contemporary and Celtic Healing Lodge ceremonies; offer individual Shamanic Consultations and Shamanic Counselling Sessions; co-create unique, shamanic ceremonies for: Hand-fasting & Marriage, Naming, Re-naming, Letting-Go, Mourning and Coming of Age; guide Vision Quests and Shamanic Journeys; guide shamanic apprentices; coordinate workshops in sustainable shelter design and low-impact living; consult to small business, including development of business plans; coordinate hands-on permaculture-based workshops.

Our thinking is that for a variety of individual, cultural and historical reasons, people have often lost their connection to the earth as well as awareness of “human beans” appropriate place in the web of existence.

This loss of personal connection and appropriate relationships at the human organizational level has led to unfettered greed, a “RESOURCE” attitude, the consequent despoiling of the earth &/or the lack of ability to adequately challenge this paradigm. Recent industrial technological innovation has led to a frightening and rapid reduction in biodiversity, loss of soils, rampant deforestation, desertification, pollution of aquifers, ozone depletion, global warming…

So we start back at the beginning, using focused experiences and contemporary and ancient psycho-spiritual tools to help individuals heal the rift between themselves and the rest of existence.

We also offer our experience with appropriate technology: Permaculture, Straw-Bale construction, light-weight shelter, wildcrafting, food preservation, etc.

From this base we hope that people with a renewed “felt” relationship to the earth will gather resources to foster ecovillages and other inovative community models to start shifting the world-balance towards sustainability.

We are also here at Serenity to offer a safe space for those seeking to intensify their personal practise, on a customized individual basis.

People often come to a problem or a place where clarity and/or creativity would be most useful, only to be blocked by their lack of grounding. They literally don’t know where they are in the world and can’t feel their connections to the earth and its creatures, often including their colleagues, children or mate. So whether the question is, “Where should the entry go in the new house?”, or, “How can I stop repeating an error in communications at home?”, the answer has to come from a personally grounded state to be a “whole answer”. We EarthSea Interpreters are aware that many contemporary lifestyles and life-choices can lead to ungrounded states of being. More than that, we often sense the condition, (common enough to everyone at some time or other), and have many skills to facilitate pleasant soul/earth reconnection.

EarthSea philosophy has an abiding faith in the great outdoors as humanity’s proper school, where beneficial grounding most naturally can occur for most people.

Call, write or email for a more connected life!