Invocation from Kuan Shih Yin, who hears the Cries of the World

Dear Ones,
I have been saying this invocation for a long time now because it keeps me from being overcome with grief for violence in the world.
There is a water fountain filled with chosen crystals in my studio. The words of the prayer resonate with the spirit of the crystals’ being and the spirit of the water; the water is moving in order to send the sound of the prayer out into the world.
The decision to put this on my website came about since yesterday, with parents being taken from their children en masse, and with my personal experience and awareness of many more situations of family separation, sadness and violence.
To those who withhold refuge, I cradle you in safety at the core of my Being.
To those that cause a child to cry out, I grant you the freedom to express your own choked agony.
To those that inflict terror, I remind you that you shine with the purity of a thousand suns.
To those who would confine, suppress, or deny, I offer the limitless expanse of the sky.
To those who need to cut, slash or burn, I remind you of the invincibility of Spring.
To those who cling and grasp, I promise you more abundance than you can ever hold onto.
To those who vent their rage on small children, I return to you your deepest innocence.
To those who must frighten into submission, I hold you in the bosom of your Original Mother.
To those who cause agony to others I offer the gift of free flowing tears.
To those that deny another’s right to be, I remind you that the angels sang in celebration on the day of your birth.
To those who only see division and separateness, I remind you that a part is born only by bisecting a whole.
For those who have forgotten the tender mercy of a mother’s embrace,
I send a gentle breeze to caress your brow.
To those who somehow feel incomplete,
I offer the sanctity of this very moment.
Thank you to Kuan Yin who is an expression of the Universe, for healing my own feelings of separation each time I say this aloud. And the potential for the world we are co-creating that resonates with compassion. Thank you for the opening that brought me to find this invocation. I am happy to share with you.