The Dragon as an Ally
When we think of primal energy and matter, the dragon is one of the most universal images that comes to mind. It has long been associated with the elements and revered in the East, while feared in the West. In the West, especially after society became officially Christianized and primordial dragon goddesses like Tiamat were abandoned, the dragon then lived “outside society”. The dragon was often in seen as something to be tamed or killed, something dark and ugly, even though it kept sneaking up in heraldry as a sign of power. However, in the East the dragon continued to be associated with the earth herself, such as in ley lines and study of geomancy, and was honoured in those cultures as a source of wisdom. Fortunately the ancient knowledge of energy known as dragon, though hidden or trivialized during the last centuries, has returned to our consciousness in the West as well.
We have come to a contemporary understanding of dragon nature, through revelation, experiences at sites of high energy, and literally unearthing the past. Dragon could be seen again in this time as a resource of energy for us by understanding it as part of our own and the earth’s changing, dynamic nature. The dragon energy resides along edges where land and sea, earth and air, earth and water, fire and water, meet. Such edges are the natural world’s expression of an exciting zone of the most primordial energy which is necessary for potent creation and change.
We can vitalize ourselves on those sites where the earth opens her body, such as caves and springs, or geysers or volcanoes or rifts. We can walk or dance on the ancient labyrinths where this kind of energy has been focused, or create our own. Dowsing or other methods of connection can be used to establish the most potent locations. There are also places on earth where the edge drops away into space: ledges, mountains, waterfalls; and we experience our energy becoming roused from those places of the elements meeting. You can imagine how we can find the power we need to carry the dream of the earth forward by aligning our own energy to those sites, flying shamanically, breathing with the fire of our inner chi, diving into the depths of the great cauldron of creation, feeding our souls and spirits with earth, air, fire, water, space.
If the dragon comes into your dreams, into your shamanic journeys, into your spontaneous visions, or into your body through spirit connection, then you will find yourself among the those who have been energized or inspired by the dragon’s calling. This may mean you will also have great challenges as well as opportunities in this lifetime, because you may move beyond society’s definition of who you are and think and act large. Recall those people you know who are dragons within the Chinese Horoscope and if you think they are stubborn or wise! The water dragons are the most flexible, but any of those born under the dragon sign have very high potential for shaking the energy field around them and making change. At this time in our history, this can be beneficial. Whether that power is used for greater good depends on the level of consciousness of the person who is aligned by the earth and the stars of our destiny to the dragon’s essence. The reason that the metaphors for the courageous heart and size and impact of the dragon resonate with us, even in contemporary times, is that there’s a reality beyond metaphor to dragon-being.
Dragons are a part of the earth’s consciousness, and if you are attuned to that essence and awareness, looking through the eyes of a dragon you will be a co-guardian of the wisdom of our cosmos and a co-creator of change.
We humans have no choice but to grow our consciousness and change our behaviour in order to survive past this century. It might serve us to call on the dragons, who have been awakened from their hiding by the efforts of many light workers, both those who have kept the wisdom and those who have rediscovered it. Dragon allies help us accomplish our task of living here at this time, unafraid to live the soul’s expansive wisdom, and for the benefit of all beings.
The dragon calls us to act on our knowledge of telluric (earth) energy, which is ancestral, and to embrace the diversity of our present society in order to raise profound and renewed ways of being in relationship with the earth. We can do this through appropriate technology and science, integrated with the arts and spiritual practice, This balanced triad creates a workable society that can only have a future if it is also recognized and celebrated as being imbued, surrounded and protected with a culture of the sacred. We could imagine that powerful protection for the earth as a moving rainbow of serpent or dragon energy. It might be good to recognize dragon as part of the sacred because we simply do not have a lot of time to turn ourselves from a society isolated from nature and now we really, really need strong allies! We have to call on all the relationships we have: dragon allies provide us ancient and indigenous grounding as well as potential for contemporary expressions of living with true power, which is an evolving, dancing relationship to the earth herself. It can only happen if we live fearlessly and restore ourselves to her.