In Memorium: Peter Langille
By David Cameron
In memory of our dear friend and shamanic traveller, Peter Langille, 1950-2012, pictured above, last Fall, with Armand DeGrenier.
You had to know Peter (and many of you do) to fully appreciate what has been lost to us, this time around, with his passing. Peter had the most boundless enthusiasm for life, love, ceremony, shamanic practice, Nova Scotia, Lunenburg County, kayaking, the forest, growing things, the environment, people.
Peter was a man who could be quite “edgy”-not everyone was up for his intensity, brashness, over-the-top shenanigans, all of the time. At all-night drummings he would pound a drum til it broke…but be there, wide awake, in the hard, wee hours of the morning, keeping the beat going. Couldn’t help but love the guy. For all his hyperbole, and bluster, you knew he had a sensitive soul. His passions burned hot & bright, whether for a new project like Gourmet Compost, a new love, a new path.
Three Fires, Festival Bear, are two of the sacred names that Peter bore that suited him to a “T”. One name alone could never capture the range of his lust for life.
Builder, teacher, landscaper, arborist, gardener, Peter’s enthusiasms extended to Shambhala and Shamanism and eventually the Muslim way of life – all bright toys for the god-child that he surely is. Now Peter’s playing with Death, being an Ancestor… what fun!. We’ll be listening and watching during ceremony, not at all surprised if he flashes through to stir the pot, and then quickly moves on.
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